On Thursday last we had our annual “November Coffee Morning” at Pinhay House. Around 60 people attended and over £250 was raised for Pinhay’s activities fund.
It was lovely to have family, friends, relatives and visitors from Seaton Memory Cafe with us to fill the home and make it a joyous occasion.
“Save the Children” joined us with their Christmas Stall and raised over £200 selling all sorts of gifts and crafts.
The Cake stall sold out very quickly as usual. We are renowned for our array of delicious cakes, non more that the Caramel Shortbread made by Sarah one of our night staff.
We had a superb selection of Raffle prizes mainly donated by local friends and our suppliers. Thank you to Tracey and Sue who organised this.
It was a lovely morning with fun and laughter all the way through, and as you can see the ladies from “Save the Children” had a fine time with with us!